The movie The Parasite is a fantastically morbid and sickening depiction of class divides in South Korea. In the film, a poor Korean family infiltrates a rich, socialite household by manipulating the gullible mother and leveraging her wish to provide for her husband and children. What begins as a normal depiction of family life becomes a murderous frenzy as greed and the want for personal gratification consumes them. The director, Bong Joon-ho, is a South Korean native who often directs movies with an element of horror. In this context, he used the genre of horror and thriller movies as a vessel for his commentary on the class system in South Korea. By presenting his commentary in the form of a fantastical plot with outlandish characters, he is making his points more easily digestible. The point of doing this is to say, "It's silly how the world would rather accept these points through a world of gore and grotesqueness as long as they don't have to see it in the context...